Martingilio Martial Arts

Martial Arts
Monday-Thursday 4pm-8pm, Saturdays 9a-12p, Weekday and evening private lessons by appointment
Driving Directions:
In the Prairie Oaks Retail Center on the corner of North Edge Trail and Cross Country Road
About Us
Martial arts education and training in the self defense methods of Ryukyu Kempo, Modern Arnis, Tai Chi Chuan, Small Circle Ju-jitsu. NO sport or tournament applications. NO birthday parties. Just legitimate old style martial arts for self defense. Learn the history and methods of the Okinawan, Filipino and Chinese martial arts in a super fun and supportive environment. 90 minute classes and extra Saturday training times so that not only you learn but have time to get the reps and practice with teacher and peer support. Shihan Chris Martingilio has more than 35 years of experience and teaches local, national and international students. Shihan Chris has been featured in books, magazines, video and has been teaching at seminars all over the United States and Europe.

Rep/Contact Info
Christopher Martingilio
- Phone: (608) 827-7750
- Send an Email
- 1035 N. Edge Trail Verona WI 53593